Join us in Miami for a DRI seminar that is a first of its kind. DRI’s Litigation Skills Committee and DRI’s Center for Law & Public policy are joining forces to put on a program specially designed to discuss, combat, strategize and understand how verdicts skyrocket. We’ll open with a panel from the Center for Law & Public Policy’s Social Inflation Task Force to discuss how to combat critical plaintiff tactics and strategies. Then we will assess these concepts in the context of jury selection and watch as a real, impartial jury is seated for a mock case summation. The mock jury will hear argument from top defense attorneys on a disputed liability, high damages case. Attendees will watch as the jurors deliberate the verdict live and lead through a moderated discussion of their views on parties, facts, and overall claim value. Then, after the jury has deliberated, attendees will be allowed to engage with the jury in a group discussion to better understand the key arguments, facts, and positions that drove the jury to their verdict. On Friday we will have a round table discussion on these issues along with a fabulous session from David Mann, jury consultant and nationally-known story teller, to help us develop effective narratives that are persuasive to juries. We will end our seminar a discussion on the ethical issues encountered in joint representations. This seminar is truly unlike any other. Join us to experience a real mock jury setting, engage with colleagues on how we can combat nuclear verdicts, and learn from the nation’s leading jury psychologists and trial attorneys who will deliver a master class education on all things nuclear verdict.