DRI White Papers and Reports

One of the most important functions of DRI is research on issues of importance to the defense bar. This research is generally carried out by DRI’s Center for Law and Public Policy and is embodied as either background materials or a more formal white paper. Either can serve one of two purposes depending upon DRI’s institutional perspective. One, on an issue in which DRI takes no formal position, they provide information background to educate our members on the topic allowing them to form their own conclusions. Two, on issues in which DRI has taken an organizational position, they form the intellectual basis for DRI’s advocacy.
Civil Justice System
- Social Inflation - Legal System Abuse | Observations and Solutions to Support the Right to Fair and Impartial Dispute Resolution (PDF)
- It's Jury Service, Not Duty: Strategies for Promoting Participation in the Civil Justice System (PDF)
- The Economics of Justice (PDF)
- Without Fear or Favor in 2011: A New Decade of Challenges to Judicial Independence and Accountability (PDF)
- Without Fear or Favor: A Report by DRI’s Judicial Task Force (PDF)
- Third-Party Litigation Funding: Civil Justice and the Need for Transparency (PDF)
- No Independence, No Justice: Challenges to the American Judicial System (PDF)
- Nonlawyer Investment in the Legal Economy (PDF)
- Artificial Intelligence in Legal Practice (PDF)
International Regulations
Recent Developments
- Data Mining, Algorithms, and Deepfakes: Combatting Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation in 2024 Elections and Beyond
- DRI Files Amicus Brief with U.S. Supreme Court in Baltimore Climate-Change Case (PDF)
- Missouri Raises Bar for Punitive Damages and Consumer Protection Law Claims (PDF)
- Best Practices for Remote Hearings (PDF)
- DRI Joint Comment on Emergency Federal Rules (PDF)
- California Privacy Law Revision To Appear On November Ballots (PDF)
- Possible Delay in CCPA Enforcement (PDF)
- NY High Court Case Could Upend Litigation Finance Industry (PDF)
- COVID-19 Liability for Businesses and Healthcare Providers (PDF)
- Authorities Step Up Cyber Awareness Efforts for COVID-19 (PDF)
- Artificial Intelligence and Legal Practice (PDF)
- Ga. Businesses Now Shielded From COVID-19 Injury Suits (PDF)
- Bill 161: Sweeping Changes to Ontario's Class Proceedings Act Take Effect October 1, 2020
- MSP Recovery Claims, Series LLC vs. ACE American Insurance Company, Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Owners Insurance Company, Southern-Owners Insurance Company, Travelers Casualty and Surety Company (PDF)