DRI Retail and Hospitality Committee: Publishing and Speaking Opportunities

The Retail & Hospitality Committee has many publishing and speaking opportunities for its committee members. Our e-newsletter, Customer Connection – Retail & Hospitality News, regularly publishes articles on current topics, substantive law reports, member successes, circuit reports, and other relevant topics and is aimed at educating and showcasing our members. For more information or to submit news or an article, please contact the Newsletter Chair, Shawn Libman.

Our members also generally publish a collection of articles in an issue of For the Defense, DRI’s flagship magazine. For the Defense reaches over 25,000 members, judges and in-house counsel every month. Another DRI publication that is available for your work is In-House Defense Quarterly, which is sent to only those in-house counsel members of DRI. If you have ideas for an article in either publication or need more information, please contact the Publications Subcommittee Chair Ed Guedes.

In addition to our many publications, this Committee also offers speaking opportunities at either the annual seminar or during our yearly webcast.

Lastly, don’t forget about our Committee’s LinkedIn page. This is a great way for every Committee Member to post upcoming speaking engagements, showcase publications, share news and successes or start a discussion about a relevant topic.