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How to Build Your Legal Practice by Publishing


Becoming a thought leader in your space can help you create value for your clients.

As a lawyer, you might wonder how to build your book of business and elevate your influence in your niche. One great way to build your portfolio is by publishing your legal writing.

Here are some benefits to getting published for you and your law firm:

Establish Authority

When people see your name tied to respected publications and high-quality content, they will begin associating your name with expertise in that area. With greater authority, you’ll earn more trust from your clients and peers, and your fees can grow as your authority does.

Increase Traffic

By publishing on your firm’s site or through legal publications, you drive traffic to that site and can get your name in front of new readers. This traffic might lead to new clients or referrals.

Build Relationships

Once you establish yourself in a space, you’ll gain access to networking opportunities and partnerships with those working in that same area or adjacent areas. This may lead to additional revenue opportunities as you share your networks and ideas. With the right relationships, you’ll be able to access new clients before they start shopping around from your competitors.

How can I get started?

Before you start looking for where to publish, you need to know what your writing will cover. Understand your practice area(s) and identify important trends that you can touch on in your writing to grab an audience. For example, a lawyer focused on alternative dispute resolution might write about how the Metaverse will impact the future of the field. Resources such as BuzzSumo can help you identify the top-performing content in your practice area. These sites also often feature step-by-step tutorials on how to use their site for your specific purpose.

Next, look into publications that feature that type of coverage from guest writers and tailor your pitch or article to what they require. Be sure to have your name, headline ideas, relevant metrics (such as social media follower counts), and more handy for editors to reference when reviewing your proposal. Publications such as Forbes, Business Insider, Wired, and more are continuously reviewing pitches. Consult their submission guidelines for additional requirements.

Alternatively, look into organizations that offer publication opportunities as part of their membership benefits. For example, DRI allows defense attorneys and in-house counsel to publish in four publications, which are then distributed to the full membership.

DRI members have exclusive access to For The Defense, The Brief Case: DRI Committee News, In-House Defense Quarterly, and The Voice. These publications offer thought leadership and insight to help civil defense lawyers with pressing litigation matters, along with professional development and career advancement guidance. Members can submit articles for consideration, allowing them to share their professional expertise with colleagues across the globe.

Learn more about how to publish your writing with DRI at

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