Registration Information
Save up to $700 when you register on or before May 12, 2025!
Worry-free registration: Cancellations received thirty (30) days or more before an in-person seminar are entitled to a full refund.
Save Your Spot Today
In registering for this seminar, I attest that I devote a substantial portion of my professional time to defending the interests of individuals, business, associations, or governmental entities in civil litigation. I understand that DRI reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel my registration, without a refund, if I do not meet the criteria described above.
Member Pricing |
Non-Member Pricing |
Non-Member Bundle ^ |
Early Bird Registration*
(Now thru May 12)
$1,195 |
$1,395 |
$1,315 |
Regular Registration*
(May 13–June 24) |
$1,395 |
$1,595 |
$1,515 |
Onsite Registration* |
$1,495 |
$1,695 |
$1,615 |
Group Registration
(Non-Sponsored) |
Group registration is for registering four or more attendees. Members and non-members receive a 15% discount off the member and non-member rates respective to the time the group registration is initiated (i.e. Early Bird, Regular or On-Site registration periods). There is one free registration with every 10 paid registrations.
If you want to register for the group pricing, fill out the form here. Please note that online registration is not available for this offer. |
Government |
Government members will receive the applicable government rate for the seminar upon login. If the government rate does not appear after logging in, please call DRI directly at (312) 795-1101 to receive the discounted rate. Invoices can be sent after purchase upon request. |
Not a DRI Member? Select the Non-Member Bundle and Save!
^ Not a DRI Member and new to DRI? Take advantage of the Non-Member / Trial Membership Bundle and receive up to 9 months of membership when you register for the seminar. You’ll be able to add this special offer to your cart at check out. Note: Trial membership processing can take up to 30 days from the date of purchase, please contact DRI Customer Service with any questions. Please note renewing members and members with recently lapsed memberships are not eligible for a Non-Member Bundle.
Learn more about membership at DRI and get started on your DRI journey today!
*If your membership recently lapsed, please renew your membership prior to registering to ensure you receive your discounted member rate. If you would like to join DRI to receive the member pricing and see the benefits of becoming a member, click here to go to the Application page.
Networking Events
Premier Networking Reception at the XXXXX
Sponsored by: ABC
Date: Wednesday, Month Day from 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Pricing: Free when you register for the seminar (guest tickets $100 each, available at check-out)
Location: XXXXX, Address, City, State
Hotel Information
The seminar will take place at Grand Hyatt Denver, 1750 Welton Street, Denver, CO 80202.
To contact the hotel directly, call 303.295.1234.
A limited number of discounted hotel rooms have been made available at the Grand Hyatt Denver. Take advantage of the group rate of $269.00 Single/Double.
Reserve your Room Online
The hotel block is limited, and rooms and rates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. You must make reservations by June 3, 2025, to be eligible for the hotel's group rate. Requests for reservations made after June 3 are subject to room and rate availability.
Full Agenda
*Schedule and Speakers subject to change
Wednesday, June 25, 2025
Time (Mountain) |
Session |
12:00 p.m. |
Registration |
5:00 p.m. |
Networking / Cocktail Hour
6:40 p.m. |
Rockies - Dodgers Game (on your own)
7:30 p.m. |
Join colleagues and friends at selected restaurants for dinner (on your own). |
Thursday, June 26, 2025
Time (Mountain) |
Session |
8:00 a.m. |
Registration & Coffee Service
8:30 a.m. |
Welcome and Introductions
Christopher T. Sheean, Swanson Martin & Bell LLP, Chicago, IL
Shane O’Dell, Naman Howell Smith & Lee PLLC, Fort Worth, TX |
8:45 a.m. |
Making Yourself Indispensable
Whether you want to be the “go-to” associate for your supervising partner or the “go-to” lawyer clients seek out for their most difficult cases, becoming indispensable is key to business development. In this fireside chat, you will learn candid tips from decision makers in the trucking industry on the qualities they seek (and avoid) in their “go-to” lawyers and practical guidance from a veteran trucking lawyer who achieved “go-to” status with his clients.
Theresa Bratton, National Interstate Insurance, Columbus, OH
Terrence L. Graves, Sands Anderson PC, Richmond, VA
Katherine Vaughn, USA Truck/DB Schenker, Denver, CO |
9:45 a.m. |
(Part 1) Working the Case Backwards: Initial Pleadings and Discovery
You can win or lose a trial long before you get to the court room. This workshop will examine how to lay the proper foundation for a strong defense at trial and avoid falling into traps set by the plaintiff through your answer, written discovery, and early motion practice.
Meghan Hvizdos, MV Transportation, Dallas, TX
Maryam Danishwar, Clark Hill PLC, Los Angeles, CA |
10:45 a.m. |
Coffee Break |
11:00 a.m. |
(Part 2) Working the Case Backwards: Depositions
Anyone who’s ever read an article on a “nuclear” trucking verdict knows that fact witness depositions are a minefield for trucking lawyers. Learn how robust deposition prep leads to better deposition outcomes and how to lay your own mines in fact witness depositions.
Michael J. Noordsy, The Bassett Firm, Dallas, TX
Tamara Warn, Knight/Swift Transportation, Phoenix, AZ |
12:00 p.m. |
Networking Lunch and Roundtable Discussion
Attendees are asked to come prepared to discuss one case or issue that keeps you up at night for a roundtable discussion with fellow attendees.
Katherine Tenzinger, Weber Gallagher, Philadelphia, PA
Rebecca L. Burroughs, Ward Hocker Thornton, Louisville, KY |
1:00 p.m. |
(Part 3) Working the Case Backwards: Effective Use of Experts
When you're working with experts, you want to be a piranha--not a shark. This session will provide a practical toolbox for:
- Who: Who are the experts you need?
- When: When do you need to retain them?
- Why: Why did you retain the expert and what is the end goal?
Maxwell Brusky, Bulkmatic, Griffith, IN
Sarah E. Hansen, Burden & Hansen, LLC, Buffalo, NY |
2:00 p.m. |
When You Just Want to Scream: The Ethics of Dealing with Toxic Personalities
In the age of the keyboard warrior, toxic personalities abound which can create ethical dilemmas. This session will explore how to set boundaries, practice assertiveness, and know when to walk away from a difficult interaction. Panelists will also discuss the ethical framework lawyers must consider and evaluate how to navigate difficult personalities.
Daniel L. Bray, Gallagher Sharp, Cleveland, OH
Audrianna Curlee, Claims Services, Inc., Temple, TX
Amanda Nardi, Chartwell Law, Atlanta, GA |
3:00 p.m. |
A Strong Right Hand: Capitalizing on Leverage to Maximize Settlement Negotiations
Not every case will or should go to mediation. Learning when and how to initiate negotiations is vital to efficient case handling. Learn from industry claims professionals and a seasoned trucking lawyer on recognizing when you have the right leverage and how to effectively use it to achieve a favorable settlement.
Sergio E. Chavez, Rincon Law Group, El Paso, TX
Miranda Rogan, Averitt Express, Cookeville, TN |
4:00 p.m. |
Let’s Make a Deal: Mock Negotiations Workshop
Participants will be given a mock fact pattern, assigned the role of plaintiff or defense attorney, and paired off to conduct a mock negotiation using the tips and tools learned in the previous session.
John M. Nunnally, Ragsdale Liggett, Raleigh, NC |
5:00 p.m. |
Adjourn - Program Concludes
CLE Information
Earn up to TBD hours of continuing legal education hours (CLE) from this seminar.
View CLE Credit by State
In some states that charge late CLE submission fees, there will be a $100 late fee to report CLE credits submitted more than 30 days after a seminar/virtual event. Click here for details on CLE late fees.
DRI's Trucking Litigation Essentials Seminar is proudly supported by:
If you would like to contact DRI about seminar sponsorship opportunities (including pricing) or to reserve a spot, please visit the sponsorship page.
DRI Cares
Blessings in a Backpack
Please join us in supporting Blessings in a Backpack, an organization that mobilizes communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for school-aged children across America who might otherwise go hungry. Seminar attendees will have the opportunity to fill bags of food on the way to the joint networking lunch on Thursday, June 13. Feeding a child before you feed yourself is a wonderful way to support children and families in the New Orleans community.
Donate to Blessings in a Backpack
Additional Resources
If you have any questions or concerns regarding DRI programs, please contact DRI Customer Service at 312.795.1101 or