2025 Insurance Roundtable

March 11–12, 2025
Loews Chicago Hotel | Chicago, Illinois

Chicago river in downtown

Join Us in Chicago for This Exclusive Insurance Law Industry Forum!

This registration link is for Defense Counsel only and seating is limited.
For insurance executives and insurance company in-house counsel: this program is FREE.
Please contact custservice@dri.org to receive a link to a separate registration page with complimentary registration.

Register Online for Defense Counsel

Get ready to start your year with this exclusive, premier opportunity to network with leaders of the insurance industry and defense bar. This program is designed to be one-to-one industry representatives to outside counsel and will allow for maximum networking opportunities for both industry and private practice lawyers. Discuss and debate important and significant challenges facing the industry and forge lasting and meaningful business relationships with your peers.

What You Will Learn:

  • Participate in candid discussions addressing issues that shape the relationship between insurers and outside counsel.
  • Explore how artificial intelligence's likely to impact privacy issues, the claims process, and defense of lawsuits.
  • Develop strategies for protecting the human equation and addressing burnout challenges in the insurance and legal industries.
  • Managing and growing insurer-outside counsel relationships to build the next generation of coverage professionals and outside counsel.

Expand Your Network By:

  • Engaging and interacting with counsel and industry leaders in a small, intimate setting.
  • Attending a networking reception, evening dine-arounds, and breakfast with other program participants.
  • Sharing your knowledge and learning from others during interactive roundtable discussions and lunchtime small group sessions.
  • Registering for the Insurance Claims and Coverage Institute, which begins immediately after the Insurance Roundtable in Chicago.

Counsel Meetings with Major Companies
Take advantage of the opportunity to engage with key industry companies* including:

  • TBD

*Subject to change

Representatives from These Companies Will Be in Attendance
Engage with claims professionals who either hire or supervise outside counsel:

  • TBD

*Subject to change

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Thank You to DRI, Lawyers Representing Business

Rina Carmel
Rina Carmel
Program Chair
Daniel I. Graham, Jr.
Daniel I. Graham, Jr.
Program Vice Chair
Joanna M. Roberto
Joanna M. Roberto
Insurance Law Committee Chair
R. Brandon McCullough
R. Brandon McCullough
Insurance Law Committee Vice Chair

Company Co-Chairs:

  • Corinne K. Cable (Associate Corporate Counsel), Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company
  • John R. Casciano (Director, Associate General Counsel), Claims Counsel, Markel Service, Incorporated
  • Alona R. Croteau (Chief Claims Officer), Berkley Management Protection
  • JoAnne B. Gilliam (Associate General Counsel), Munich Re Services, Inc.

Registration Information

This registration link is for private practice defense lawyers only and seating is limited.
Worry-free registration: Cancellations received thirty (30) days or more before an in-person seminar are entitled to a full refund.

Save Your Spot Today

In registering for this seminar, I attest that I devote a substantial portion of my professional time to defending the interests of individuals, business, associations, or governmental entities in civil litigation. I understand that DRI reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel my registration, without a refund, if I do not meet the criteria described above.

Member Pricing
Regular Registration* $2,500
For insurance executives and insurance company in-house counsel: this program is FREE.
Please contact custservice@dri.org to receive a link to a separate registration page with complimentary registration.

*If your membership recently lapsed, please renew your membership prior to registering to ensure you receive your discounted member rate. If you would like to join DRI to receive the member pricing and see the benefits of becoming a member, click here to go to the Application page.

Networking Events

Premier Networking Event at the XXXXX
Sponsored by: ABC

Date: Wednesday, Month Day from 7:00–10:00 p.m.
Pricing: Free when you register for the seminar (guest tickets $100 each, available at check-out)
Location: XXXXX, Address, City, State


Hotel Information

The seminar will take place at Loews Chicago Hotel, 455 North Park Drive, Chicago, Illinois, 60611.
To contact the hotel directly, call 312.840.6600.

The DRI room block at the Loews Chicago Hotel is now sold out. Please use the link below to reserve a room at a nearby available hotel.

Alternative Hotels

If you are planning on attending the conference and have not secured a hotel reservation, search for hotel availability via our trusted partner aRes Travel**. Book online or call 800.559.3186 for assistance; for International callers 619.546.5773.

**aRes Travel is a third-party travel planner. Rates, deposits, and cancellation policies may vary and are the responsibility of the guest. Questions on hotel policies or payments made on aRes website should be directed to the aRes Reservation Center or to the hotel directly.

Full Agenda

*Schedule and Speakers subject to change

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Time (Central) Session
6:00 p.m. Registration
6:00 p.m. Networking / Cocktail Hour
7:30 p.m. Dine-Arounds

Join colleagues and friends at selected restaurants for dinner (on your own).

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Time (Central) Session
7:00 a.m. Registration
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction

Joanna M. Roberto, Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady LLP, New York, NY
Rina Carmel, Anderson, McPharlin & Conners LLP, Los Angeles, CA
Daniel I. Graham, Jr., Nicolaides Fink Thorpe Michaelides Sullivan LLP, Chicago, IL
9:15 a.m. Evidence-Based Approaches to Combatting Burnout on the Claims Front

As the number of claims continues to rise, claims professionals, in-house counsel, and outside counsel may find themselves facing burnout. This session, led by a human factors expert, will review the latest scientific research on burnout. What evidence-based strategies can help personnel deal with stress, respond to incivility from the other side, build resilience, and even enjoy work? Learn about new tools for companies and firms to help their people thrive.

Mark Roberts, MD, PhD, FACOEM, Exponent, Chicago, IL
Julia Diebol, PhD, CSP, CPSM, Exponent, Bellevue, WA
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. Risk Management Strategies to Keep Time-Limited Policy Limits Demands from Turning into Nuclear Verdicts and Bad Faith Suits

A missed time-limited policy limits demand can be the first part of what eventually becomes a nuclear verdict and/or bad faith suit. What procedures can insurers implement to manage the risks, from identifying relevant claims at the outset, training front-line personnel to recognize demands and possible bad faith set-ups, appropriately escalating demands in-house, to overseeing the response? What additional considerations arise when the demand contains non-monetary conditions? If insurers seek the assistance of outside coverage/bad faith defense counsel in responding to demands, especially deficient demands, what strategies can help protect the attorney-client privilege?

JoAnne B. Gilliam (Associate General Counsel), Munich Re Services, Inc., Amelia, OH
Matthew J. Lavisky, Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig, Tampa, FL
11:30 a.m. Privacy Training for Company Employees

This session will discuss the massive increase in interest from all operating units in insurance companies in privacy, and a corresponding increase in interest in data governance and artificial intelligence. This session will also address the challenges that insurers face in rolling out artificial intelligence in all kinds of ways, given the belief of many regulators that AI will cause historically disadvantaged groups to be subjected to even worse treatment than they would get if humans were the sole source of intelligence.

Matthew T. Furton, Troutman Pepper Locke, Chicago, IL
Molly McGinnis Stine, Troutman Pepper Locke, Chicago, IL
James Shreve, Troutman Pepper Locke, Chicago, IL
12:30 p.m. Networking Lunch and Small Group Table Topic Sessions
1:30 p.m. The Use and Misuse of AI in Loss Investigation, Adjustment, and Defense of Suits

AI’s capabilities continue to develop at warp speed. How might AI be used for loss investigation and claims adjustment? What are the risks? Are the plaintiffs’ and policyholders’ bars using AI to litigate cases? Can the industry and the defense bar respond by using AI to defend suits, and if so, how? Can AI assist in combatting social inflation and preventing nuclear verdicts?

Sean C. Griffin, Longman & Van Grack, Washington, DC
John R. Casciano, Markel Service, Incorporated, Glen Allen, VA
2:30 p.m. Break
2:45 p.m. Breakout Session (Insurance Industry or Defense Counsel)
Insurance Industry
Supporting Each Other Into the Future and Building Succession Plans

Insurers and outside counsel need to be able to work together to build empowered teams and create succession plans into the future.

1. How can insurers support outside counsel in recruiting, training, managing workloads, retaining, and advancing new lawyers?
2. To what extent do rates impact insurers’ ability to hire outside counsel? To what extent do rates impact outside counsel’s ability to continue to work for insurers? How can insurers and outside counsel manage and grow efficient and productive relationships?

Corinne K. Cable (Corporate Counsel), Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, IN
Defense Counsel
Supporting Each Other Into the Future and Building Succession Plans

Insurers and outside counsel need to be able to work together to build empowered teams and create succession plans into the future.

1. How can outside counsel support insurers in recruiting, training, managing workloads, retaining, and advancing new claims professionals?
2. To what extent do rates impact insurers’ ability to hire outside counsel? To what extent do rates impact outside counsel’s ability to continue to work for insurers? How can insurers and outside counsel manage and grow efficient and productive relationships?

Dan D. Kohane, Hurwitz Fine P.C., Buffalo, NY
Matt Foy, Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, San Francisco, CA
3:45 p.m. Breakout Session Roundup and Open Mic

Breakout session moderators will report back on the groups’ discussions. Attendees’ discussion of areas where companies and outside counsel agree, and how differences might be ironed out. Open mic discussion. What’s on your mind? This is your opportunity to comment, explore issues discussed today, and forecast the future.

Rina Carmel, Anderson, McPharlin & Conners LLP, Los Angeles, CA
Daniel I. Graham, Jr., Nicolaides Fink Thorpe Michaelides Sullivan LLP, Chicago, IL
4:30 p.m. Adjourn

CLE Information

Earn up to TBD hours of continuing legal education hours (CLE), including XXXX hour of Ethics credit from this seminar.

View CLE Credit by State

In some states that charge late CLE submission fees, there will be a $100 late fee to report CLE credits submitted more than 30 days after a seminar/virtual event. Click here for details on CLE late fees.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

DRI's Insurance Roundtable is proudly supported by:

FMG Law Freeman Mathis & Gary LLP Plunkett Cooney

If you would like to contact DRI about seminar sponsorship opportunities (including pricing) or to reserve a spot, please visit the sponsorship page.

DRI Cares

Blessings in a Backpack

Blessings in a Backpack Who Will Feed the Kids this Weekend?

Please join us in supporting Blessings in a Backpack, an organization that mobilizes communities, individuals, and resources to provide food on the weekends for school-aged children across America who might otherwise go hungry. Seminar attendees will have the opportunity to fill bags of food on Thursday morning. Feeding a child before you feed yourself is a wonderful way to support children and families in the Chicago community.

Donate to Blessings in a Backpack

Additional Resources

If you have any questions or concerns regarding DRI programs, please contact DRI Customer Service at 312.795.1101 or custservice@dri.org.