DRI For Life

About the Committee
A career in the law can be exciting, exhilarating, and reward¬ing. However, lawyers suffer elevated rates of stress, substance abuse, addic¬tion, depression, and even suicide. We strive for the right balance of work and personal life. We all have different ways of coping with our profession’s demands. DRI is committed to help¬ing its members cope with these stresses in healthy and productive ways and to achieve that balance. DRI surveyed its members in 2014 who overwhelmingly called for a broader of offering of programs to support wellness and work-life balance.
DRI for Life is the committee created to help our members help each other. DRI’s nearly 22,000 members have their own stories to tell - everyone is talking about health and wellness and DRI for Life is the forum for that discussion. DRI for Life gives easy access to useful information and support on work-life balance and health issues. We encourage you to take advantage of the DRI for Life resources:
- DRI Work Life Balance Resource Center • online bibliography of authoritative articles.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Resource Center - online and telephone contact information to services for lawyers, friends, and family with mental health, substance abuse, or addiction.
- DRI’s own new SOLACE chapter, “Support of Lawyers and Legal Personnel, All Concern Encouraged,” a nationally-known informal email volunteer help program for lawyers in crisis.
- Work Life Balance Speakers Bureau - database of topics and speakers for work life balance and wellness presentations at DRI seminars.
- Blue Zone Activities - database of activities for DRI social events at seminars.
- Activities Exchange - Connecting DRI seminar attendees with others to meet up for a run, a museum tour, a yoga class, a golf trip or other fun activities.
- DRI’s Substantive Committee Liaisons to DRI for Life will help implement the DRI for Life Career Path which distills ongoing education needs for health & wellness and professional development according to lawyers’ “age and stage”
Get involved! We are working to instill DRIFL values into DRI’s programming. DRI wants to help its members nurture their careers and improve their professional lives.