Professional Liability

About the Committee
It is with great honor that I welcome you to our committee, or invite you to join. Over the last several years our membership has continued to grow, and our group has authored scores of publications for DRI print and electronic media. As we move forward, my strategic plan for our committee is to build upon these traditional strengths, and to significantly increase our programming efforts within DRI.
We publish a quarterly electronic newsletter, Riding the E&O Line. Our editor, Ted Eberspacher, is always looking for newsletter content, typically in the form of an article dealing with lawyers, accountants, insurance agents/brokers, financial advisors, real estate professionals, educators or clergy. In addition, we like to run a "practice tips" article, as well as a "member spotlight" each quarter.
It will soon be time to start looking ahead to next year's Annual Meeting, and we plan to submit a proposal to DRI to present a seminar. As you may also know, for the past several years our committee has presented educational seminars at our committee's business meeting held at the Annual Meeting. This is a great way to make the meeting more interesting, and provides a more intimate speaking venue. If you are interested in presenting a seminar at next year's meeting, please contact me with a proposed topic.
dAs you can see, our committee has ample opportunities to get involved, and I encourage you to do so. Write an article. Attend ICCI and the Annual Meeting. Propose a seminar or webconference topic. Become an active participant in our steering committee. These are all great ways to network, market yourself, stay abreast of legal developments in the professional liability field, and gain valuable education - and they all benefit the committee!