DRI International

About the Committee
DRI International's mission is to develop a global network of lawyers focused on the international and multi-national aspects of the practice of law. More and more often, it is obvious to companies who operate internationally and to their counsel that decisions made and actions taken in one part of the world significantly impact available choices and results elsewhere. It is incumbent upon those companies and the ever increasing group of lawyers who serve such clients’ increasing needs to understand the implications of the internationalization of law and to have knowledgeable lawyers available to them to provide insight and guidance. DRI International provides a forum to bring together international clients and in-house and outside counsel who represent them, as well as U.S. multi-national companies and their inside and outside counsel.
One of DRI’s goals is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas regarding relevant substantive, regulatory and procedural issues that will impact multi-national companies wherever located around the world. As part of that effort, DRI International will participate along with the Law Institute in developing programs that deal with issues concerning the international practice of law that have the greatest impact on multi-national companies and their lawyers. In order to do so, DRI International will ask each substantive law committee likely to have involvement in the international legal arena to provide a liaison representative to the DRI International. These individuals will assist in the effort to ensure that DRI International continues to see the big picture as it relates to these various substantive practices, and that it is fulfilling the needs of those who practice in those areas on an international basis.
While including the liaison representatives from various substantive law committees, the committee will be structured differently than in the past. In addition to the Chair of the Committee, there will be a Vice Chair for programs and operations, along with Vice Chairs regionally representing various parts of the world, including Europe, Canada, Latin America, the U.S. and the Pacific Rim. With input from substantive areas and from Vice Chairs strategically located in various parts of the world in which DRI International members practice, the goal of the committee is to create programs, materials and a network of counsel to fulfill the needs of in-house and outside counsel who find themselves practicing in the international arena. All of this will be undertaken with the clear recognition that the focus of the international law practice of 20 or even 10 years ago is much, much different than international law today, and the practice area will continue to develop around the world. DRI and DRI International are committed to staying ahead of the curve to ensure that DRI remains at the forefront in the international arena. Participation in DRI International is a must for each lawyer and firm who have become involved in the international practice of law, whether related to product liability, business litigation, international regulatory issues or otherwise, as well as those who recognize that the future of the practice of law as part of a global economy will require that they be ready to meet the needs of international clients as part of their marketing and networking activities. All interested DRI members are invited to participate as active members within DRI International.