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Grow Your Network, Build Your Connections with DRI: Members Share Their Stories


Discover the perks of DRI membership! Hear from members about networking, seminars, and authentic connections.

DRI is a global network of civil defense attorneys and in-house counsel you can turn to for professional support and referrals. It's truly one of the best investments you can make in your career. . . and it's too good not to be shared!

Here's what our members have to say about their favorite parts of DRI membership and what they're looking forward to in 2024.

At DRI, It's All About Connections! How has DRI helped you make connections professionally and personally?

Connecting at Seminars

"I have received dozens of referrals from DRI members I have met at various DRI seminars. DRI seminars make it very easy to make those connections by their structure and mix of networking events and presentations."

—Peter Lauricella, Wilson Elser

"I have met so many wonderful people, and DRI meetings [are] a perfect time to get together and learn something at the same time!"

—Laura Kristin Beasley, Baker Sterchi Cowden & Rice

"Through DRI seminars and annual meetings, I have met a lot of great people and formed valuable relationships."

—Pamela Haug, Lexitas

"Attending and participating in seminars has provided an invaluable experience in meeting other lawyers, establishing strong referral relationships and friendships."

—Douglas Hart, Burns White

"I connected with a lot of attorneys and carriers involved in the long-term care world when attending a DRI conference last year."

—Brittany Asher, Berkley Healthcare

"Great opportunities at the seminars, especially with the dine-arounds or specific events for women."

—Dana H. Hoffman, Young Moore and Henderson

"DRI has provided opportunities to meet each other at conferences, and the dine-arounds particularly allow for valuable ‘one on one’ time to get to know each other."

—Linda Fulop-Slaughter, Sompo International

Getting Involved through Substantive Law Committees

"I am on [the] Construction Law Committee. I have made numerous friendships from my involvement, which has helped me personally and in my practice. I have received referrals and been able to make them."

—John P. Cahill, Lanza Law Firm

"I have been a DRI member almost from the first day I was admitted to the Bar. Through activities in substantive committees, I have been given the opportunity to write and present on several different issues. Those connections and opportunities have created an amazing network of professionals from whom I can seek informal advice, help with tricky legal issues, and personal friends. I have seen a number of cases be referred among those connections and have been able to obtain matters for my firm through those connections."

—Stacy Linn Moon, Gordon Rees

"Serving on committees and in leadership positions is the best way to make connections in DRI."

—Mindy Brickman, Christovich & Kearney

Friendships & Referral Sources

"DRI has grown my professional connections immensely. As those professional connections have grown, they have become friends from across the country."

—R. Jeffrey Lowe, Kightlinger & Gray

"[DRI] provides a support network locally and nationally of attorneys in the same practice area. A great resource for ideas and expert referrals."

—T. McRoy Shelley, III, Rogers Townsend & Thomas

"[I have] met lawyers from around the country who have provided both insights into defending cases and referrals."

—John P. O'Flanagan, Banker Lopez Gassler

"DRI has allowed me to connect with friends and clients and become one in the same. Professionally, DRI has been a game-changer for me. The networking opportunities provided through DRI events, conferences, and seminars have allowed me to connect with some of the brightest minds in the law. These interactions have not only expanded my knowledge but have also opened doors to career prospects. I've had the privilege of learning from industry leaders, sharing ideas, and collaborating on projects that have enriched my professional journey.

—Sara Turner, Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz

"I have met industry professionals from areas of the country I would not have previously had access to. I have also used networking to connect with relevant professionals in fields where my work intersects."

—Daniel Strong, Teague Campbell Dennis & Gorham

"I've been able to leverage my involvement in DRI to connect with several client-side decision makers who share a passion for the defense."

—Chris Turney, Turney LG

"Meeting similarly situated professionals from across the US has greatly enhanced my practice, my professional growth, and personal relationships."

—Larry D. Mason, Goldberg Segalla

"DRI has helped me immensely. I got an interview for my current job through DRI connections."

—Kelsey Sandler Gee, Porter Wright Morris & Arthur

"I have been able to meet other firms, other associates/partners, and other experts by going to events."

—Kelsey Peck, Adler, Cohen, Harvey, Wakeman and Guekguezian

What is DRI?

DRI is the largest international membership organization of attorneys defending the interests of business and individuals in civil litigation. Membership in DRI provides access to resources and tools for attorneys who strive to provide high-quality, balanced, and excellent service to their clients and corporations.

These resources include:

DRI members can also join 29 substantive law committees whose focus is to develop ongoing and critical dialogue about areas of practice.

Ready to grow your network and build your connections?

Become a Member of the DRI Community!

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