DRI Solace Program

DRI SOLACE stands for "DRI Support of Lawyers/Legal Personnel All Concern Encouraged."
The DRI SOLACE program was born from a simple yet important question: what can DRI members do to help each other in various times of need?
DRI SOLACE harnesses DRI members to provide critical assistance to DRI members in need, especially when there has been a death in the family, illness or other catastrophic loss.
DRI SOLACE does not seek cash contributions. The program is an opportunity to offer clothing, housing, office space, transportation, medical community contacts, air miles, on an emergency basis to those in need.
The process is simple yet effective. DRI Members notify the DRI staff DRI SOLACE program coordinator, Cheryl Palombizio, by email when a DRI member needs assistance due to tragedy or some other unfortunate circumstance. The DRI staff DRI SOLACE program administrator sends out a short email to the DRI SOLACE network in the DRI member’s state or locality. DRI SOLACE members who want to help reply to the administrator who puts them in touch with the requester. There is never any pressure to offer assistance. The mantra of the program is "Nothing too big. Nothing too small."
"It’s amazing what people will do for total strangers – the common bond or link being they’re all members of the legal community helping each other during a time of need."
– U.S. District Judge Jay C. Zainey, Lousiana, SOLACE co-founder