State Legislation and Rules Task Force

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The State Legislation and Rules Task Force assists, upon request, State and Local Defense Organization (SLDOs) concerned about a legislative or rule issue in their state. The task force assists in a variety of ways, such as sharing information about the issue from other jurisdictions or, through the Legislation and Rules Committee, recommending action to the Center Management Council (e.g., by providing comments supporting the SLDO positions to legislative committees or rule making bodies). The task force may also alert other SLDOs of issues arising in one jurisdiction which may spread to others, a sort of early-warning system for members and SLDOs.

The State Legislation and Rules Task Force is requesting members for the following states:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Hawaii
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Wyoming

If you're interested in joining, please contact

Click on the person's name to view their profile.


Nicole Marklein headshot State Legislation And Rules Task Force Chair Nicole Marklein Cross Jenks Mercer & Maffei LLP Baraboo, Wisconsin
Brandon P. Hull headshot State Legislation And Rules Task Force Vice Chair Brandon P. Hull Overturf McGath & Hull, P.C. Denver


Michael B. Gelfound headshot California Michael B. Gelfound Freeman Mathis & Gary LLP Los Angeles
Brandon P. Hull headshot Colorado Brandon P. Hull Overturf McGath & Hull, P.C. Denver
Jim Craven headshot Connecticut Jim Craven Wiggin and Dana LLP New Haven
Matthew Hindley headshot Delaware Matt Hindley Reger Rizzo & Darnall LLP Wilmington
Cristina Cambo headshot Florida Cristina Cambo Cambo Ferry PLLC Maitland
Jake Daly headshot Georgia Jake Daly Freeman Mathis & Gary Atlanta
Tara Martens Miller headshot Idaho Tara Martens Miller Snell & Wilmer LLP Boise
Henry Goldman headshot Illinois Henry Goldman Wiedner & McAuliffe Chicago
Placeholder headshot Indiana Jessica L. Mullen Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP Schererville
Joshua R. Strief headshot Iowa Joshua R. Strief Elverson Vasey Des Moines
Todd S. Page headshot Kentucky Todd S. Page Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC Lexington
Taylor Brett headshot Louisiana Taylor Brett Adams & Reese New Orleans
Francine M. Giugno headshot Louisiana Francine M. Giugno Burglass Tankersley Gaudin Phayer LLC Metairie
John T. Sly headshot Maryland John T. Sly Waranch & Brown LLC Lutherville
Kyle E. Bjornlund headshot Massachusetts Kyle E. Bjornlund Cetrullo LLP Boston
Jason Hill headshot Minnesota Jason Hill Town Law Center Wayzata
John M. Reeves headshot Missouri John M. Reeves Reeves Law LLC St. Louis
Jenny Swajkoski headshot Montana Jenny Swajkoski Hall Booth Smith Missoula
Emily Motto Bottorf headshot Nebraska Emily Motto Bottorf United Fire & Casualty Co. Cedar Rapids, IA
Brandon Wright headshot Nevada Brandon Wright Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP Reno
Dan Granfield headshot New Hampshire Dan Granfield Sulloway & Hollis Concord
Michael A. Malia headshot New Jersey Michael A. Malia Peri & Stewart LLC Sea Girt
Allison Beaulieu headshot New Mexico Allison Beaulieu Jones Skelton & Hochuli PLC Albuquerque
Steven R. Dyki headshot New York Steven R. Dyki Westguard Insurance Co. New York City
Claire F. Rush headshot New York Claire F. Rush Nicoletti Spinner Ryan Gulino Pinter LLP New York City
George Simpson headshot North Carolina George Simpson Simpson Law Raleigh
W. Logan Caldwell headshot North Dakota W. Logan Caldwell Crowley Fleck PLLP Bismarck
Anne Marie Sferra headshot Ohio Anne Marie Sferra Bricker Graydon LLP Cleveland
Kari A. Hawthorne headshot Oklahoma Kari A. Hawthorne Johnson Hanan Vosler Hawthorne & Snider Oklahoma City
Jeanne Loftis headshot Oregon Jeanne Loftis Bullivant Houser Bailey Portland
Jason Banonis headshot Pennsylvania Jason Banonis Overturf McGath Hull King Of Prussia
Lisa M. Bellino headshot Pennsylvania Lisa Bellino Zurich NA Philadelphia
Brooks R. Magratten headshot Rhode Island Brooks R. Magratten Pierce Atwood LLP Providence
Giles Schanen headshot South Carolina Giles Schanen Maynard Nexsen Greenville
Brendon C. Pashia headshot Tennessee Brendon C. Pashia Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP Nashville
Slater C. Elza headshot Texas Slater C. Elza Underwood Law Firm Amarillo
Sarah E. Spencer headshot Utah Sarah E. Spencer Spencer Willson PLLC Salt Lake City
Rory Cosgrove headshot Washington Rory Cosgrove Carney Badley Spellman Seattle
Mychal S. Schulz headshot West Virginia Mychal S. Schulz Babst Calland Charleston
Nicole Marklein headshot Wisconsin Nicole Marklein Cross Jenks Mercer & Maffei LLP Baraboo

Members (Canada)

Brett Rideout headshot Ontario Brett Rideout Rideout Law Toronto