State Legislation and Rules Task Force

The State Legislation and Rules Task Force assists, upon request, State and Local Defense Organization (SLDOs) concerned about a legislative or rule issue in their state. The task force assists in a variety of ways, such as sharing information about the issue from other jurisdictions or, through the Legislation and Rules Committee, recommending action to the Center Management Council (e.g., by providing comments supporting the SLDO positions to legislative committees or rule making bodies). The task force may also alert other SLDOs of issues arising in one jurisdiction which may spread to others, a sort of early-warning system for members and SLDOs.
The State Legislation and Rules Task Force is requesting members for the following states:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Hawaii
- Kansas
- Maine
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- South Dakota
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Wyoming
If you're interested in joining, please contact
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