MSP Task Force Subcommittee

Dollar bill hole in middle with Medicare text

The MSP Task Force evaluates issues arising under the Medicare Secondary Payer statutes and regulations which affect DRI members and their clients. When appropriate, it drafts appropriate changes to legislation and regulations and prepares comments on proposed changes to these and, through the Litigation and Rules Committee, recommends action on those to the Center Management Council. It also promotes awareness to these issues through articles and presentations to DRI members, State and Local Defense Organizations (SLDOs), and other organizations.

Click on the person's name to view their profile.


Judith L. O'Grady headshot MSP Task Force Chair Judith L. O'Grady Pepper Hamilton Chevy Chase, Maryland
Barrye Miyagi headshot MSP Task Force Vice Chair Barrye Miyagi Taylor Porter Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Bruce A. Cranner headshot Bruce A. Cranner Milling Benson Woodward LLP Mandeville, Louisiana
Catherine E. Goldhaber headshot Catherine E. Goldhaber Hawkins Parnell & Young Chicago, Illinois
Mary Re Knack headshot Mary Re Knack Ogden Murphy Wallace PLLC Seattle, Washington
David M. Melancon headshot David M. Melancon Irwin Fritchie Urquhart & Moore LLC New Orleans, Louisiana
John P. Morgenstern headshot John P. Morgenstern O’Hagan Meyer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania