Jury verdicts are rising nationwide due to economic factors and tactics employed by the plaintiff bar, which include narrative-style storytelling and specific damage claims that encourage speculative damages, leaving the defense bar playing catchup. If you encounter these issues and want tools to fight back, join us in Philadelphia for a hands-on seminar. The first day features a live mock trial with impartial jurors, where defense lawyers will present a case involving nebulous injuries from a clear liability collision to secure a nuclear verdict. You’ll learn trial tactics, strategies, and pitfalls from both sides, watch the jury deliberate, and analyze their thought process. On Wednesday, there will be an open forum with jury consultant Nick Polavin to discuss the mock trial’s outcome and lessons learned. We will conclude the seminar by hearing from subject matter experts in the area of artificial intelligence and the role it has, and will continue to have, in litigation. Get ahead of your competition by learning how to use AI (and importantly, how to use it ethically), and how to identify and combat your opponents’ unethical or problematic use of this changing technology.
Save up to $500 when you register on or before March 16! If your membership recently lapsed, please renew prior to registering to ensure you receive your discounted member rate.
This event will be held at Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. Learn more and book your room.