
DRI Publications Book, Library, Online

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DRI members have exclusive access to For The Defense, The Brief Case: DRI Committee News, In-House Defense Quarterly, and The Voice. These publications offer thought leadership and insight to help civil defense lawyers with pressing litigation matters, along with professional development and career advancement guidance. Members can submit articles for consideration, allowing them to share their professional expertise with colleagues across the globe.

To access some publications and articles, log in with your member credentials.
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For The Defense

For The Defense (FTD) is DRI's flagship publication and the only national monthly magazine specifically written for civil defense practitioners. FTD features articles centered on key developments and the latest trends in the law and civil litigation. A must-read to complement your successful practice.

*Now featuring in-house counsel content previously published in In-House Defense Quarterly.

Read FTD

The Voice

DRI's monthly e-newsletter, The Voice, is an exclusive publication for our membership. Every month, The Voice provides compelling content designed to enlighten, educate, and inspire DRI members on topics such as professional development, career advice, giving back to the community, advocacy for the civil defense bar, and more.

Read The Voice

The Brief Case: Committee News

Featuring content from DRI's substantive law committees, our committee e-newsletter provides an excellent way for you to reach a more targeted audience.

Read The Brief Case

Court & Counsel: The DRI Blog

Court & Counsel: The DRI Blog is designed to complement your legal practice with relevant, high-quality, and original content tailored to lawyers and law firms. Bookmark this page and check back monthly for a new blog post.

Read the blog